HB Tutoring - Our blog demonstrates we care passionately about children.
0333 335 5139 info@hbtutoring.com
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Does my child require a Tutor?

Does my child require a Tutor?

There are a few tell-tale signs which will indicate that it may be time to start to look into getting your child a tutor, the following link I found particularly helpful. www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/sheila-mulvenney/10-reasons-hire-a-private_b_18268400.html. The child...

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Exam stress in students

Exam stress in students

It’s now getting very close to the time of year when some of us have children who are about to embark on their exams. Yes I agree this is a stressful time for our children, however, if like me you also find it stressful to yourself, after all we have always been there...

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Natural World Natural Wonders

Natural World Natural Wonders

As we leave the cold winter behind us and we are all talking about the summer ahead, I’m sure you will join me in anticipation about what the outdoors offers our children and how to entice them outside Teaching Primary School children about the Beautiful South. We...

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The effect of stress in children

The effect of stress in children

The importance of children’s earliest years has long been recognised, but however our understanding of the underlying science has taken a significant leap in the past few decades. Recent Studies regularly document that the effects that a child’s earliest experiences...

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Tutoring hours



Results (grade 6 or above)

Get In Touch

HB Tutoring
Correction House, Correction House Bank, 28 Tynemouth Road, Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, NE30 4AA, United Kingdom.

Telephone: 0333 335 5139
Email: info@hbtutoring.com

School Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm

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