Natural World Natural Wonders - HB Tutoring
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As we leave the cold winter behind us and we are all talking about the summer ahead, I’m sure you will join me in anticipation about what the outdoors offers our children and how to entice them outside

Teaching Primary School children about the Beautiful South.

We have long been aware of the health benefits of the outdoor for children. However, if like me as soon as you shout that we are heading outside, your children suddenly have an emerging sore throat , or look for the closest  i-pad, don’t worry you are not alone. However once dragged outside children come alive again, asking questions  touching, feeling trees plants, anything around them.

In Devon children are getting into the woodlands to discover all the new growth which happens in spring time.

The Great Outdoors as well as being fun is such an amazing learning resource for all of the young and not-so-old!!

Young Children love to try to scare us my holding up the defenceless earth worm to our face just as we are about to take a sip from our mug.  However as adults it is our responsibility to teach the younger generations the very important place earthworms and other mini beasts have in our gardens. The following link gives a simple explanation of why we need our fello friends with us and why we need to respect them.

Why no create a wormery, everyone can watch these fascinating creatures at work, if like some of us you would dread the idea of worms and their habitats coming together with your cream carpet – keep them outside to view for a week or two before releasing them.

Instructions for a simple wormery watch the video 

If you enjoy going further afield and delving deeper into the great woodlands on your voyage of learning and discovery with your little investigators, why not download a woodlands pack from the woodland trust and go further into the outdoor world of discovery. Learning is a constant journey  and is not just for school, pens and paper.

So why not wipe down the wellies,  don a fleece , and have a bobble in your pocket just in-case you are the lead investigator.

Your little learners will be worn out by the end of the day as they go to bed with memories of a great day which they shared with you.

Happy Hunting

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