Boris Johnsons government funding for approved tutors to help children with their studies
We were delighted to be chosen to speak on National Radio 5 Live regarding Boris Johnsons funding for approved tutors and agencies to teach children within schools, you can therefore imagine how thrilled we were to be in demand to be interviewed by Vanessa Feltz regarding the same topic – Boris Johnsons announcement for tuition delivered by approved tuition agencies. It was clarification that all of our hard work and dedication to ensure we have qualified teachers teaching as tutors as well as regularly checking tutors DBS on the online service. This ensures students get a bespoke service tailored to their needs and also ensures progression and therefore improved results.
Many people ask us what we do differently to ensure progression? Well… we take the time to discuss your child’s requirements, we identify demands within the home, work, routine extra-curricular etc. then we arrange a video call from your approved tutors to allow you to ask any questions and to ensure you’re happy with the tutor before they even arrive at your door. Then if you wish to have 1-1 tuition you know who will be at the door, and if its online you can ask for a demonstration of the benefits of online tuition.
We also were delighted that we were identified as an approved tuition agency due to our close liaising with schools whilst teaching their students, we feel this is imperative to ensure smooth progression and we will look forwards to liaising with heads of departments when working with small groups of children.
I think we are all anxious about the impending new term commencing. There are many questions to be answered by all of us. How will school manage the restricted distancing, how will students access resources, text books etc. all of this has to be addressed by schools and filtered down to the relevant bodies. We have exam officers who we are reserving specifically to teach those students within the GCSE year groups. Many of our approved tutors are examination officers teaching students exam technique as well as filling in any gaps and preparing students for the oncoming examinations next year.
We are a National company, however we are delighted to see that being asked for interview at both Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Bristol and BBC Radio London and BBC Newcastle is a testimony to our hard work and dedication throughout the UK to help all students young and old, as well as liaising with schools and parents on a regular basis. We are now looking forwards to speaking to parents, schools and all family members who enquire about approved tutors in order to help each and every one by planning their individual learning plan and sharing this with the relevant bodies for the students.
We are also offering private small group tuition designed to help those families who may be on a restricted budget, small group lessons will not include a video being sent to you after each lesson, however it will still be bespoke, we still liaise with your child’s school and offer parents a weekly time slot in order to discuss their child’s progress privately with their tutor.
These are unprecedented times which we are travelling through, by working together our approved tutors can give our children the best possible support within their education and subsequently open doors further on within their education journey. If you wish to listen to our interview on BBC London with Vanessa Feltz please click below.
To find your perfect tutor click here, for any other support please don’t hesitate to contact us here.
If you would like to have a friendly informal chat with us regarding a tutor at any level please call a member of our team on: 0333 335 5139