
Helping Students With Dyslexia Tutoring
Specialist Dyslexia tutoring support when it is needed the most Dyslexia is a developmental reading disorder that is characterised by a difficulty with learning to read and with differing comprehension of language despite normal or above-average intelligence....

Efficient and Successful Home School Tutor
Could hiring a professional home school tutor help your child? In the UK the law stipulates that children need to be educated, however, that does not mean, that they have to be sent to school. Parents may opt to home-school their children for various reasons: ...

Helping your child with maths Blog
Can you help your child with maths and get house jobs done at the same time? Maths is one of the most important subjects we can learn (besides strong English skills) as it helps (without us realising) in everyday life. By learning maths, we learn how to solve...

Preparing your primary student for returning to school in September
How can a primary tutor help parents prepare their children for this big day ahead? There is no doubt that most parents are feverishly awaiting the day on which they can finally wave their children good-bye and wish them a great time at school. For many parents,...

How can I help my child learn?
Some children find learning in school difficult, how can home learning help? Education is an amazing tool for life – it provides experience, fun, exploration, interest, knowledge, confidence, self-belief, goals, results…… every child has a right to it, and every child...

Mind-mapping as Study Tool Blog
What is mind-mapping and how can it be a study tool? Studying for an upcoming test or exam can be challenging for learners of all ages, which is why it is advisable to apply strategies and tools that aid thought organization and memory processing. One such tool is...
Tutoring hours
Results (grade 6 or above)
Get In Touch
HB Tutoring
Correction House, Correction House Bank, 28 Tynemouth Road, Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, NE30 4AA, United Kingdom.
Telephone: 0333 335 5139
School Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm