There are a few tell-tale signs which will indicate that it may be time to start to look into getting your child a tutor, the following link I found particularly helpful.
The child who finds Learning Difficult
A specialist tutor who is able to work with children who may have been diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia or visual processing problems are able to give their full attention to students who may find it increasingly difficult to keep up with their class peers. A tutor who is trained in this specific area will present work to the students and enable them to learn and have an increased confidence with their studies.
Decrease in Confidence
We can expect children to shy away when something new is presented to them, however it’s not constructive when a child starts to feel they are unable to carry out a task due to not being clever enough. Successful tuition will lead a child to become confident and embrace learning as something positive and not something to shy away from.
A child’s Time Management starts to Lack
If your child starts to become all of a muddle with time management and homework deadlines are not met you may observe their confidence starts to drop as they feel they can’t keep up with the demand of school life. Hiring the help of a tutor will enable a child to become more organised with timekeeping and their work deadlines as well as increasing their confidence when it comes to their school work.
Being constantly in a state of confusion
If you see that your child is getting confused by what is being asked by school, they may just require extra time to process instructions, they may also require the time to have a ponder and ask questions. If they are not given the opportunity to do this at school the questions will keep going around and around in their head and therefore they will start to struggle with other aspects of the curriculum. Children learn by asking questions and must be given the opportunity to do this.