by HB Tutoring | May 6, 2021 | Emotional and Behavioural, Schools, SEN tutoring
Concerned about your child’s struggles with school? Our specialist tutors can help. Many parents contact us feeling anxious and concerned about their children, worried that they are behind in their work, concerned there are not reaching their potential and not quite...
by HB Tutoring | Jan 6, 2021 | Emotional and Behavioural
Child behavior problems and the solutions As we peruse through past historical events which have helped to create and mould our world as we know it today, we are constantly reminded that some of the greatest minds in history were once underestimated and were often...
by HB Tutoring | Jun 26, 2020 | Emotional and Behavioural, SEN tutoring
Should Children with Special Educational Needs be Divided in education? This is a hard blog to write as I find myself in a position of reality and conflict. Children with SEN (special educational needs) can be cast to one side and made to believe they are naughty and...
by HB Tutoring | Jun 21, 2019 | Emotional and Behavioural
Most parents will be only too familiar with the bedtime battle, trying to convince children to sleep, even as they get older we are battling to the external influences of social media and children/teenagers wanting to stay up later – also as parents we sometimes...