
Why Study Biology?
Biology is all around us, every second of every day I’ve always found Biology to be a fascinating subject, so many species and habitats to discover as well as the wonder of the workings of our own body. As I regularly find myself sneaking a trip to the science museum,...

The Wonders Of Physics
Why Did an Apple fall on Newtons Head and Not a Bomb? We all dread the science paper as it lands on the desk Infront of us, we’ve had the laws of Newton drilled into us so much that we are now wishing a bomb had landed on his head and not an apple. Throughout our...

How to Prevent lack of Motivation within Maths for Students
How can an A level maths tutor help with a lack of motivation? Many people will state that they may have a dislike for maths, or they will quickly say that they ‘can’t do maths’ or ‘I was never any good at maths’, but yet, we use maths every day, each and every one or...

What are the main benefits of Home Tuition?
How can home tuition help your child? After tutoring privately and teaching in the classroom environment for more than 30 years, one aspect which becomes increasingly clear is that the value of teaching on a 1-1 basis just can’t be reached within the school situation...

Children Who are Gifted and Talented
Child behavior problems and the solutions As we peruse through past historical events which have helped to create and mould our world as we know it today, we are constantly reminded that some of the greatest minds in history were once underestimated and were often...

Why Is Maths Important?
Maths makes our day-to-day lives much easier We can all relate to sitting in a maths class, working through the ‘real-life’ maths problems thinking that we are never going to apply these in our day-to-day life. However, without fully realising this, we are using maths...
Tutoring hours
Results (grade 6 or above)
Get In Touch
HB Tutoring
Correction House, Correction House Bank, 28 Tynemouth Road, Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, NE30 4AA, United Kingdom.
Telephone: 0333 335 5139
School Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 5:00pm